Releasing the video

I reached out to “Because I said I would” and the founder, Alex Sheen, responded immediately. He expressed his sympathy and wanted to get to know me and more about the situation before moving forward. He became somewhat of a mentor to me and more importantly, a friend that I desperately needed. He challenged me to face my feelings and warned me of possible outcomes from what we were hoping to accomplish, although I don’t think either of us could have seen the impact would be made. We agreed that the best way to reach people was to share my first hand circumstances and what I had done. The video was edited and scored because the senseless loss of life deserves time and effort. The video was released on September 3rd, 2013 and within 48 hours had 2 million views. In the media craze that followed were both were contacted by every major new station, all the way up to the producers from Oprah. We really never imagined this, maybe it would make news in Columbus we had thought. Alex has been in contact with one Vincent Canzani’s daughter throughout all of this. She asked that I not take part in any media interviews through the duration of the legal process and I promised I wouldnt because notoriety was not what it was about. The message of the video is what was and still is important. -Matthew Cordle

2 thoughts on “Releasing the video

  1. I think you did the right thing when you posted your story on you tube it made people think about you Matt and what had happened to you and Mr. Canzani’s family. You have made people think 2 about getting behind the wheel of a car after drinking. that is a good thing it don’t make you famous it makes you smart!!!! STAY STRONG MATT YOU WILL BE HOME SOON

  2. I keep thinking how the thoughts that Matthew is sharing here and the responses from others would make an incredible book. Just seems like it would be a powerful way to share this story and plea that others don’t make the same mistake. And also about the incredible path of healing and courage he has chosen. I know he doesn’t want to become famous and has been very aware of the Canzani family wishes throughout. Truly have no idea if this is even something of interest or benefit to those concerned. Could just be that my own blind belief in the power of stories makes me biased. I appreciate Matthew for his convictions and for taking responsibility for his actions. It is no small feat in my eyes.

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